Category: Products

New release of RasPiGNSS tools

A new version of the RasPiGNSS tools has just been released, which now features the addition of a nmeaparse command that provides a live view of the receiver solution status, errors, and satellites in...

RasPiGNSS in stock again

Good news today: the new batch of RasPiGNSS modules arrived today. And even better news: The new RasPiGNSS (codenamed “Cook” after the famous navigator James Cook) now features the new NV08C-CSM version 4.1 hardware...

Webshop now with Tallysman antennas

We put a small webshop online now providing not only the RasPiGNSS expansion module, but the two recommended Tallysman antennas TW-2410 and TW-4421 as well. For your convenience, a microSD adapter fitting perfectly for...

Pi-GNSS sales starts

We are proud to announce that the Π-GNSS website is now fully functional and live, orders for the Π-GNSS client device and Π-GNSS service are now accepted! Please visit Π-GNSS for information on features,...

RasPiGNSS now available

The RasPiGNSS expansion board enabling precise point positioning tasks for the Raspberry Pi minicomputer is now in stock and available for ordering. Please see the RasPiGNSS pages for features, specifications, pricing, and ordering information.